Performance Art: "Classy Workout"

I did this project with Matt Tenenbaum. We wanted to do our performance art to emphasize the opposite of how people perceive daily activities, like going to the gym. Most people arrive at the gym dressed up in business attire and change into gym clothes. By showing up in gym clothes and changing into business attire, Matt and I emphasized how anyone who does not follow the norms of society and the so called daily routine, they are considered "weird". Furthermore, the gym where we performed and filmed, CRUNCH Gym, emphasizes how they are a judgment free zone, so we wanted to see how true to this statement they were. It did turn out that besides a few confused glances, a staff member asking us what we were doing, and one onlooker giving Matt a dirty look, there was very little judgment that actually occurred. At one point during filming, I was actually trying to rip my pants, but to my surprise I was not actually able to do so, neither of our clothes were damaged by the end of the filming (to both of our surprise) other than being a little sweaty.


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